9 11 2008


It’s easy to just slap a few Star Wars stickers on any old item and sell it as an officially branded product, but recently it seems like Lucasfilm has been going beyond the call of duty when it comes to licensing out the Star Wars brand. This 1 3/4-gallon R2-D2 aquarium is a good example. Just sticking a clear tank inside a plastic R2 replica isn’t that noteworthy, but turning his radar eye into an eyepiece for a built-in periscope that allows you to see the underwater inhabitants up close will guarantee this thing ends up under plenty of trees this Christmas.

R2-D2’s domed head will even swivel at any voice command, and includes overhead LED tank lights that randomly cycle between red, blue, and green. Not surprisingly the R2-D2 aquarium is available from Hammacher Schlemmer for a reasonable $129.95.

via: techboy



11 responses

15 11 2008

Quite simply the coolest fish tank ever!

18 11 2008

$99.99 at PetSmart!

26 11 2008

Hideous. There is no filtration or heating including in the advertising, so I am assuming it has none. The tank is so small that it is not big enough to support any aquatic life forms. While it may look cool, it cannot hold a live fish- only a plastic one. Who pays 99.00 for a fish tank that is too small to hold any fish?

26 11 2008

Please get these dying fish out of my guts, I didn’t ask for this and neither did they! I promise that whoever buys me, I will intentionally kill all your fish, just give me a matter of time!

Please folks, seriously. Seriously….

26 11 2008

That tank might be big enough for a really cool M &M dispenser, or something more clear to accent the lights…how about gummy bears! But fish… 1 and 3/4 gallons is pretty sad.

But you know someone will buy it and think its a good idea!

26 11 2008

Would be a great large PEZ dispenser, another marketing gimmick aimed at the uninformed. As stated in the other comments, there is no filtration to support aquatic life, oh and the price 99.00, forget it, get your a 20 gallon long with all the necessary life sustaining trimming’s for about the same price and you’ll really enjoy it !

26 11 2008


Give your child the gift of animal cruelty and dead pets this Christmas.

20 03 2009

I have one on my desk at the moment… picked it up for only $60.00. It does include a filter, not a very powerful one albeit. The heater is not included and I’m a little wary of adding a heater to a plastic tank.

On the upside, because of the ban on glass ornaments in our office, this plastice tank gave me a place to put two neon tetras and a bamboo plant. I’m hoping the nearby window and office heating will allow for enough warmth.

17 04 2009

I had to separate my fan tail goldfish from my other fish as it was tormenting them. I only had a plastic jar to put him in until I decided what to do. I thought he was a gonner and he looked pathetic. He is now swimming with the force in his R2D2 Fish Tank.

At first I read some really negative reviews about the filter, the leaking,the bubbles which all came up as issues and easily remedied by waiting it out. My boy loves it, the fish loves swimming through the bubbles from the filter. Lighten up people… fish gotta swim…

13 05 2009

petco (where i work) eventually clearanced them out for 17 bucks yeah seventeen US dollars. working there i knew eventually they would do this so i set one aside then when it went on sale i bought it needless to say i also applied my employee discount ;P but to cut to the point i had no intention of using it as a fish tank it is on display in my living room, the sensor mode makes it cool enough as it is heck every one who sees the thing loves it.

13 09 2009

I’m a little late on this, but in case someone stops by here…

This is perfectly fine for a small betta until it outgrows the 1.8 gallons, at which point, I suggest at least a 2.5 gallon. But some people would say that the 1.8 gallons is fine. Just never go for one of those little bowls or whatnot, please.

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